Amanda Driscoll
Amanda Driscoll

I was born and raised in Louisville, (“Lou-a-vull”), Kentucky. Like any good Kentucky-born girl, I grew up drawing horses. My love of art led me to Murray State University, where I earned a degree in Fine Art / Graphic Design.
I worked as a graphic designer in the corporate world until 1997, when I went solo with Driscoll Creative. Since then, I've enjoyed the flexibility of writing, illustrating, and designing from home, with the added perk of working in my pajamas.
When I had children, I rediscovered my love of picture books, and found my true passion. I am the author and illustrator of Duncan the Story Dragon (2015), Wally Does Not Want a Haircut (2016), Klondike Do Not Eat Those Cupcakes (2018), and Little Grump Truck (2021), all published by Knopf, as well as the author of the forthcoming Under Anna's Umbrella (Penguin/Rocky Pond, 2025), to be illustrated by Luisa Uribe.
I am a proud member of SCBWI (the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators).
From my home in Fisherville (a suburb of Louisville), I write, illustrate, and design. Often while wearing pajamas.